THE SON OF THE KHMER EMPIRE Be informed that FB Account Sokheoun Pang is Fake Created by CPP Supporter​ to Defame and Complicate Me. Mine is Khmer Sovannaphumi

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PQRU Defended Hun Sen

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Photo by DAP-NEWS

Tit Sothea (Dap)

After Thai media has released many articles about Hun Sen’s order to release the trio Thais arrested and my strong critics below, on Tuesday 24 August 2010, the Press and Quick Reaction Unit of Hun Sen, mouthpieced by Ti Sothea claimed that the Thai media was disseminating the wrong information. He said that Hun Sen had no rights to order the release of those trio thais becuase he had no right to interfere court’s decision.

Personally, I think it may be true because everyone knows that in Cambodia, most of CPP’s officials are just like a post and they must listen to Hun Sen or they are removed. Everything must be in the name of Hun Xen, i.e. personality cult of Hun Xen. He is above the law and he is with everything from national conciliation to building bridge, house, and toilet. We can see his name with these things everywhere through the country. Most importantly, such a thing has already happened last year when Hun Sen ordered to released Siwark, a thai spy,  after he was arrested by Cambodian authoriry accusing him of sending Thaksin’s persoanal flight for Thai govt. See it here.

However,  whether he ordered to release the trio Thais or not as long as they are released, we still condemn Hun Xen as a useless person for his failure to protect and save his people from the similar arrested reasons who are now jailed and abused in Thailand.

PS: It’s amazing to hear Tit Sothea weekly defending Hun Sen nowadays while in the past during his time working for VOA he was the one that criticized Hun Sen and esp. he liked to interview someone included me who is a critics of Cambodian govt.

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  1. […] 25, 2010 unitedkhmer បញ្ចេញ មួយវិចារ ទៅ វិចារ The Son Of the Khmer Empire Tit Sothea […]

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