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Posts Tagged ‘Phua Thai aprty

Should Siwarak Deserve so or Should Hun Sen Deserve So?

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Please look at these pictures and think clearly about them.  Should Siwarak deserve such a treatment and should Hun Sen as a leader of a country deserve to treat him so?  Hun Sen should think about his duty as a Prime Minister for he has so much to serve the people esp. if he has such a so much free time he should pay a visit to see how our beloved poor people who live along the Thai-Cambodian and Youn- Cambodi n borders have suffered.

Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen (L) leads Siwarak Chuthipongse by the hand after a meeting at his house in Phnom Penh December 14, 2009 . Siwarak, a Thai engineer working for Cambodian air traffic control who had been found guilty of spying for leaking fugitive former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra’s flight details to the Thai embassy, was pardoned last week after a request to Cambodia’s king from Thaksin and others, according to a Cambodian minister speaking at the time. Cambodian government spokesman Phay Siphan said Siwarak would be officially freed on Monday at Hun Sen’s residence. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea

Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen (L) shakes hands with Siwarak Chuthipongse’s mother Simarak Na Nakhon Panom at his house in Phnom Penh December 14, 2009. Siwarak, a Thai engineer working for Cambodian air traffic control who had been found guilty of spying for leaking fugitive former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra’s flight details to the Thai embassy, was pardoned last week after a request to Cambodia’s king from Thaksin and others, according to a Cambodian minister speaking at the time. Cambodian government spokesman Phay Siphan said Siwarak would be officially freed on Monday at Hun Sen’s residence. REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea
Cambodia’s Prime  Minister Hun Sen, fifth from left, poses for a photograph with Siwarak Chothipong, center, a former Thai airline employee convicted of spying on Thailand’s former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, his mother Simarak Na Nakhon Panom, fifth from right, and parliament members from the Peua Thai Party at Hun Sen’s residence in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Monday, Dec. 14, 2009. Cambodia on Monday officially released Siwarak. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)

Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen, left, poses for a photograph with Siwarak Chothipong, center, a former Thai airline employee convicted of spying on Thaksin Shinawatra, as his mother Simarak Na Nakhon Panom, right, looks on at Hun Sen’s residence in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Monday, Dec. 14, 2009. Cambodia on Monday officially released Siwarak. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)

Hun Sen should see how the Siam treats  his people and act as a leader for a nation. Or he thinks that siamese life is more valuable or expensive than that of Cambodian life? If Hun Sen still continues such an idiot act,  he  and Camboddians will be indefinitely looked down by those arrogant Bangkokians.

Now let see how our beloved compatriots treated in Siam. Injustly, they are handcuffed and their feet are chained together like a crimimal. Please be reminded also  that our compatriots´crime is astraying into Siam during their search for daily food in the forsts along the border and illegally went into Siam. More than that, they are sentenced to 5 or seven years in jail jusst for such a minor  mistake.  And no active intervention is carried out by Hun Sen´s government. 

Hun Sen should know that, “ If he doesn´t respect and protect  his people, so please don´t hope that his good act with Siwarak is sincerely respected and valued by those Bangkokians.”