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Border Report by Ke Kim Yan

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Contribution of Hing Soksan

Originally posted at: Let´s Go to Media

The three traitors

Up to now, no a single Cambodian farmer had lost their rice paddy to Vietnam and the border demarcation mechanism is carried basing on the 1985 treaty and the 2005 supplemental treaty“, said the three traitors.

Well, if you read through the report of Ke Kim Yan, then you will know that those three traitors are right because, “Up to now, no a single Cambodian farmer had lost their rice paddy to Vietnam, but hundreds of families who had lost their rice paddies.”

Border Report by Ke Kim Yan

Please click to download the Border Report 1999  by Ke Kim Yan
This is just a report in 1999 alone there were 31 cases of encroachment -20 encroachments by Vietnam, 10 encroachments by Thailand, and 1 encroachment by Loas. How about the encroachment in the whole 1980s, the encroachment from 1990 to 1998, and the encroachment from 2000 up to today?  We have heard the cases of border invasion reported annually by the opposition, people along the border, and the NGOs, but not a single word from the the government of these three traitors in those years. 
Notice: In the report of Mr. Ke Kim Yan, he told us only the resolutions solved with Thailand, but not a single resolution made had pointed out about the encroachments of Vietnam. Or that means all the encroachments invaded by Vietnam have been fully taken by Vietnam?
What should the three traiotrs deserve,  please tell me my beloved countrymen!!!
Thank you brother Sok San

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  1. […] beloved countrymen to spread this report to reach as many Cambodians as possible as an addition to Keo Kim Yan reports in order to show the real traitors of […]

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