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Siwarak is Pardoned: Khiev Kanharith

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According to DAP news which quoted Khiev Kanharith, the spokeman of Cambodian government, that the King has already signed the letter in order to pardon Siwarak after the King recieved a letter of request from Hun Sen. 

Siwarak (DAP)

 He said that   Siwarak will be released from Preysar prision on Monday where Hun Sen will present and hand over him to Chavalit and his group who will come to recieve Siwarak back home. 

The report also added that Hun Sen will warmly welcome Siwarak if he wants to continues his work in Cambodia. 

With this, I do feel disappointed with the act of Hun Sen and the Cambodian King who granted the pardon without conditionally thinking of our ntional interets.

However, I don´t blame the King but Hun Sen. Hun Sen always arbitarily does everything he wants without due respet to the constitution. I think the king grants the pardon under Hun Sen´s threat or demand. Or Siwarak must have served his 2/3 year term jail before his pardon granted according to the Cambodian Royal Pardon Order.  

Politically, Hun Sen must do it in order to paint a good face for Phau Thai Party and his eternal friends´s relationship with Thaksin. Strategically, this allso gives anther slap on Abhisit´s face and his government and this surely will make the siamese people  to distrust  the siamese government under Abhisit`s leadership. 

 As predicted,  everything will be done that way  just for  Hun Sen´s and his CPP´s  interests on the expense of the Cambodian people

Should we Cambodians trust Hun Sen in protecting the national interest of Cambodia? Please tell me compatriots!

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  1. […] Siwarak is Pardoned: Khiev Kanharith ចំណាត់ក្រុម ៖Uncategorized ប្លាក៖A brief retuttal to Abhi-shit's letter to UN, Abhisit, Abhisit Vejajiva and Pang Sokheoun, Abhisit Vejjajiva, hun sen, Hun Sen letter to UN, Hun Sen's letter to UN "misquoted, out of context and misunderstood" : PM, Pang Sokheoun, PM: Cambodians should vacate disputed area, President of the United Nations Security Counci, Unitedkhmer, Vitaly Churkin វិចារ (0) ការតាមដានត្រលប់ នានា (0) បញ្ចេញ មួយវិចារ ការតាមដានត្រលប់ […]

  2. […] Siwarak is Pardoned: Khiev Kanharith ចំណាត់ក្រុម ៖Uncategorized ប្លាក៖A brief retuttal to Abhi-shit's letter to UN, Abhisit, hun sen, Hun Sen letter to UN, Hun Sen's letter to UN "misquoted, khmer news, My brief rebuttal to Abhisit’s letter to UN, news, out of context and misunderstood" : PM, Pang Sokheoun, PM: Cambodians should vacate disputed area, Un, words វិចារ (0) ការតាមដានត្រលប់ នានា (0) បញ្ចេញ មួយវិចារ ការតាមដានត្រលប់ […]

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