THE SON OF THE KHMER EMPIRE Be informed that FB Account Sokheoun Pang is Fake Created by CPP Supporter​ to Defame and Complicate Me. Mine is Khmer Sovannaphumi

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Posts Tagged ‘Vietnam invaded Cambodia

“Debate-Conference on 7 January 1979”

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The Cambodian oversea, esp., in France will hold a Debate- Conference in order to discuss, voice, and judge about the truth of 7  January 1979.

Historically and politically the idea of 7 January 1979 is very controversial. The first group, the Cambodian People´s Party (CPP), claims that it is the day to mark their victory over the Killing Field Regime and the day of Youn came to liberate Cambodians.  

However, the democrats or other majority of Cambodians think that it is an invasion day of Youn and the contuation of Vietnamization.

When: Sunday 3 January 2010 at  2:00pm.

Where: Espace Maison Blanche Building  , 2 avenue Saint-Exupéry, 92320 Châtillon. Click here for program.


Now I will leave it to our beloved compatriots to judge your side.